Mini Moogly Sweater

This amazing pattern makes an airy texture perfect for a summer or spring jacket. This pattern is available for 0-3 and 3-6 months sizes.

Mini Moogly Sweater

The full article about this pattern is here: Mini Moogly Sweater

More info about photo projects also on Ravelry.

Top Down Baby Jacket

The Top Down Baby Jacket is a classic baby garment that surely will match any outfit or bassinet. It’s ideal for a spring stroll, when it’s too warm to dress your baby in a warm coat, but too cool to walk them in just their t-shirt. The possible color variations are endless, and the soft, cuddly texture will keep the little one warm, without irritating their skin. That, and combined with the beanie, this jacket is just sooooo adorable….

Top Down Baby Jacket

The full article about this pattern is here: Top Down Baby Jacket

My Mini Bag

While this bag is perfect for summer, it’s lovely, gently textured flip-over design makes it a great fall item as well. Moreover, if you are into modding, you can see from the pictures how customizable and versatile it really is.

My Mini Bag

The original pattern and the photos are available on My Mini Bag

More info about projects also on Ravelry.

Hexagon Baby Jacket

The hexagon baby jacket is an easy and fun project that will produce a baby suit that’s loose-fitting and comfortable, and easy to put on the little tyke. It’s simple to make and the detailed instructions are  easy to follow. Baby needs new clothes? You have your little precious covered.

Hexagon Baby Jacket

The full article about this pattern is here: Hexagon Baby Jacket

More info about this project here ravelry.

Gylly Beach Jacket

To begin with, we have a delightful and playful beach jacket, perfect for the summer season. This easy crochet sweater is based on a repeatable granny square rows, it is a perfect project for beginners.

Gylly Beach Jacket

The original pattern and the photos are available at Make and Do Crew blog: Gylly Beach Jacket (The Campfire Cardigan)

More info about yarn and project photographed also on Ravelry.