Colorblock Jute Stitch Blanket

This amazing vibrant, juicy color is really a statement piece, that will not only create a great, modern and stylish vibe in your room, but also is so soft and cosy to snuggle under it!  In other words, if you have a free afternoon, be sure to try this lovely blankie!

Colorblock Jute Stitch Blanket

The full article about the free pattern and the photos are here

More info on raverly can be found here

Log Cabin Blankie

The Log Cabin Blankie is an easy, relaxing project. Knitted with garter stitch, it works modularly, so you can watch your favorite series or TV show and proceed to make it. The color palette is fantastic, and the color block knitted blanket pattern is free. Make one for your baby or as a gift! Everyone will adore such a beautiful soft blankie.

Log Cabin Blankie

PHOTOS by Rachel Brockman /

Find the original free pattern on, or read more about it on Ravelry.

Weekend Snuggle Sweater

The weekend snuggle sweater is a warm and comfortable sweater. The beauty of this sweater lies in its simplicity, with only hemmed cuffs and a lower hem adding some decorative elements. It is a wonderful garment that is easy and quick to make. You will love it, and so will anyone you gift it to.

Weekend Snuggle Sweater

The full article about this pattern is here: Weekend Snuggle Sweater

Colorblock Party

This colorful block knit scarf is a must for those grumpy, cold winter days. This is a beginner-friendly knitting project that will appeal to crafters of all levels. If you are looking for a pretty piece to experiment with new color palettes, this is the one! Once you understand the pattern, you will complete your knitted scarf in no time. Follow the free step-by-step knitting instructions and get started!

Colorblock PartyColorblock Party

PHOTOS by The Lamb & Kid Designs /

Find the original free pattern on, or read more about it on Ravelry.

Forest Spirit Baby Blanket

This amazing blankie is not only very simple and fast to make, but also is amazing for spring / summer time, when you need a light and airy blankie to cover yourself a little when it gets windy and chilly. Be sure to try this one!

Forest Spirit Baby Blanket

The full article about the free pattern and the photos are here lillabjorncrochet.

More info on raverly can be found here ravelry.

New Super Easy Baby Blanket

This gorgeous blanket is a minimalist dream – the stitches are just beautiful and create a lovely mosaic of the best colors. Moreover, it’s totally gender neutral, so you can easily gift it to a baby shower! Above all you can easily adjust it to any size you need, because it’s a repetitive and easy pattern.

New Super Easy Baby Blanket

The full article about the free pattern and the photos are here purlsoho.

More info on raverly can be found here ravelry.